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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  November 23, 2012 5:00am-6:00am PST

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the envy of the nation, for the next couple of days. stick around, your forecast is in just a few moments. and a live look at the city by the bay. san francisco all lit up. 'tis the season. that's just a stunning shot on this friday, november 23rd, black friday. this is "today in the bay." good morning to you. it is 5:00, i'm marla tellez in for jon kelley. >> and i'm laura garcia-cannon. a fire captain is recovering this morning after fracturing his neck while battling a three-alarm apartment fire in san jose. it broke out at the kimberly woods complex on willowleaf drive. that is where christie smith joins us live with more on the captain's condition and the damage to that apartment complex. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, laura. i just spoke with the captain on scene here in san jose and he said that that firefighter will be kept overnight for observation.
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he said that he was hurt when falling sheetrock actually hit him, but i wanted to show you what the scene looks like here this morning. a crew is still here on fire watch. they're telling me there is concern about the stability of the building from the fire and all the water that they actually poured on it overnight. this is a three-alarm fire that displaced 18 people. a firefighter just told me when they got heres are flames were huge. they were pouring out of the building and most residents were already outside, but it damaged six units. two of them completely uninhabitable. it took them three hours to knock this down. residents in neighboring units had to evacuate while this was going on. captain ron brown just told us how that firefighter, a 16-year veteran, got hurt. >> it turns out that their initial diagnosis right now is that he has a fractured vertebra in his neck and he's got a concussion. so they're going to keep him overnight for observation and continue to run more tests in
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the morning before deciding to release him. >> reporter: now, they tell me they should know a little bit more about how he's doing by mid-morning. residents are getting help from friends and the red cross and family. asked for a cause, one of the residents said they had lit a fire in the fireplace earlier and reignited it but they don't know if exactly that's the cause but they do say they know that it was accidental. reporting live in san jose, christie smith, "today in the bay." happening now at 5:02, the holiday shopping season is officially under way. it's black friday at stores and malls across the country and it's a doozy. bob redell is live in livermore at the new hot place to be for shopping this season. bob, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, marla. we're at the paragon outlets off el charo here in livermore off 580. they have been open for just a few weeks now. they opened at 10:00 last night. i just want to give you a sense of what people had to endure
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just to get to the mall. when they got to the el charro exit, it was an hour wait in the car just to get off the exit to drive the few hundred yards to the mall and then another 30 to 40 minutes just to find a parking spot. this is just some of the stories we're hearing from shoppers overnight. you're looking at an hour and a half, an hour 40 just to get on property. that does not include the drive time from wherever you are coming from. what people were coming for are deals where stores are offering 40% off, 50% off in some instances. people were coming here for deals that are going to be expiring, let's say two for one deals expiring around 6:00 this morning. good morning to you. what time did you get here? >> 11:00 p.m. yesterday. >> last night. how much money did you say? >> about 150. >> reporter: clothes primarily? >> yes. jackets, t-shirts. >> reporter: what kind of hoops did you have to get through to get to the $150 in savings in
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terms of time spent in the car? >> so we actually came in and did some -- we bought some stuff and then there was a huge queue so we left everything and went back. so we had to do a couple of rounds in the same store. >> reporter: you've obviously spent several hours of your life here for $150 in savings. >> yeah, 150, $200 in savings. >> reporter: was that worth it? >> actually we didn't -- i didn't come with any intention to buy. we just came to see what's happening and have fun. >> reporter: i don't know what's crazier, coming to a mall with no intention of buying and spending hours here. it sounds like it worked for you. happy thanksgiving. >> thank you so much. >> reporter: we heard a story of two kids who came, one from hayward, one from san bruno, stayed overnight in a hotel in livermore just so they'd be closer and have a shorter drive to get here. we were talking to pd and they said it was so bad around
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midnight, 1:00 this morning, they were almost full capacity not only in the parking lots but they have two massive overflows. it was so bad they thought about shutting down the on ramp coming to the mall of the it never came to that but that's how crazy it's been. things have died down a little bit but we wouldn't be surprised if there's another rush once the sun comes up and the rest of us decide to get up and come out. >> yeah. let's hope there's no problems. okay, bob, we'll check back with you in just a bit. we all know about black friday but oakland is pushing a different shopping experience. they are hosting their plaid friday and encouraging shoppers to shop locally. the name was chosen to celebrate the diversity that small businesses bring to the community. as an incentive fees will be waived at the broadway shuttle, parking meters and garages. nationwide people still looking for those black friday deals as well. nbc bay area's jay gray live at the mall of america in minnesota this morning with a look at the
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hunt for deals there. it looks like you are not alone, jay. >> reporter: good morning, laura. no, and i haven't been since midnight. this place has been packed. it's one of the areas that actually opened overnight and got the shopping started early and it's just continued to go on here. a lot of people not just looking, they're buying. you can see most of them have bags and most of them say they're finding deals and they're happy about that. so it's been a good morning so far. it's only the beginning, obviously. this is going to continue for quite some time. it's the largest mall in america. more than four million square feet, more than 520 stores, and so there are plenty of options, a lot to choose from here. i guess a lot of people are trying to work off some of that extra thanksgiving pie by carrying heavy bags and walking long distances because we are seeing a lot of that here. back to you. >> that's what i was going to skr ask, if people actually have
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bags or were just walking around. keep that wallet fat in your pocket. coming up in 12 minutes, the experts have advice for shoppers this black friday. before you head out this morning, the four items they say you should not buy in the midst of all this black friday frenzy. meteorologist christina loren joins us right now for a look at the black friday forecast. that's free. >> hey, yeah, get it while you can. we're looking good. we can't charge you for the weather. i'm sure somehow they'll find a way to monetize it in the future. we're looking really good right now. we've got ten miles of visibility or better all across the area. what does that mean? a fog-free start. traditionally we have quite a bit of fog, at this hour in particular. this morning we're chris crystar and temperatures will be really close to that 70-degree mark. this morning it's crisp out there, it's cold. grab your jacket. by noon we'll hit the mid-60s in places like livermore, concord. even san francisco getting close to 60 degrees at noon.
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antioch holding on to the upper 50s. that's because we've got some fog, very thick fog develop in the central valley. if you are traveling, trying to get back home or relatives are headed that way, just remind them, dense fog, travel cautiously. 70 degrees in san jose. perfection for late november. 69 in fremont and 68 in oakland. also tonight staying nice and clear. a lot of trees lighting up this evening. we'll talk more about that coming up. 5:08. right now i'll send it back to two hot ladies on the desk. ladies holding it down this morning. >> look at you. thank you very much. it's 5:08. there will soon be an app for muni riders. the agency is beta testing one. they expect the app to be ready by february. what the postal service is doing to attract new customers and help you out this holiday season. plus while there are a lot of great black friday deals out
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there, there are a few that you just should not take. we'll tell you which ones coming up next.
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looking live right now at the south bay, downtown san jose all sparkly this morning for you on this black friday. if your headed down to the shopping centers, be prepared. there are plenty of people already there. well, the postal service is about to launch a new service in the bay area, plus trading resumes after a turkey daybreak on wall street. seema mody is live with all teat tails for us. good morning, seema. >> reporter: good morning to you. let's take a look at the markets right now. futures are higher as wall street returns from the thanksgiving break. there is live trading in overseas markets as japan is
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closed for its thanksgiving holiday. it's a half day of action in the united states as the stock and bond markets will close at 1:00 p.m. eastern. on wednesday the dow did close up by 48 points and the nasdaq gained 10 points to close at 2926. in other news, the u.s. postal service in a bid to raise cash plans to test same-day package delivery in big cities. the service, which starts december 12th, will initially be offered in san francisco. pricing hasn't been announced and the postal service is working out agreements with eight to ten large retail chains. customers will have until 3:00 p.m. to place an online order. postal workers will pick up the items at nearby stores or warehouses and deliver them to your doorstep between 4:00 and 8:00 p.m. >> talk about front door service. okay, thank you so much. sounds good, seema. it's 5:13. every year around this time hundreds of kids get huge smiles on their faces thanks to one south bay family. they hand out christmas presents to needy families and give out
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thousands of dollars in scholarships. >> for many they are known as santa's helpers. damian trujillo sat down with the award winners, the family of the year. >> reporter: it's a vibrant but quiet community. there's not much wealth here but there is a lot of pride. that pride and vibrancy were challenged in 1983. the levees gave way in the south end of the san francisco bay. el viso was under water. >> everything is ruined. everything. we lost everything. >> it was really hard. really, really hard. and to see all those poor little kids. >> reporter: judy santiago and her family saw their images from their home in sunnyvale and they mobilized. >> we were asked to come out and be santa. >> reporter: joe santiago put on
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his santa suit that he used when visiting community centers. judy became mrs. claus. and together they helped bring the hope back to alviso. >> to see all those poor little kids standing in line to see santa. they had nothing. we left there, you know, and the first thing my husband said was oh, gosh, mom, i hope some day we can make enough money to buy them presents. >> reporter: the santiagos have been delivering presents for 29 years now. four generations of the santiagos are now santa's helpers in alviso. >> when i go, i help out with the toys. >> it's like part of what we do during the holidays, that saturday. >> i don't know, no one ever pushed us to do it. i think we wanted to, because it's fun. >> reporter: judy and joe were both single parents. he had four children, judy
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raised three, and it was not love at first sight. joe coached a baseball team against judy's son. >> i can remember one day joe came out of the dugout. he was a rival coach. she basically yelled at him and told him to go sit down and be quiet. chased him back into the dugout. >> reporter: the couple later mended fences. they married in 1975. the wagners and the santiagos became the brady bunch. >> yeah, we were the brady bunch. at school everybody referred to us as the brady bunch. >> reporter: but tragedy struck the family. joe lost his battle with an infection that led to kidney failure. >> i was really young when he passed. just coming here every year and seeing him dressed up as santa claus, sit on his lap. we get our own presents every year. >> i wish they had a vote up
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there. i'd tell him just because you're gone, things haven't changed. >> reporter: the family continues its charity work, providing christmas presents to more than 500 children in alviso every year. the santiagos began awarding college scholarships, almost a quarter million dollars to date, all to children who still say in touch. >> it makes me cry. they're all going to family. a lot of them their siblings now are following. and they're like my kids. they write me. >> reporter: a grandson now wears a red velvety uniform of ole st. nick for the kids in alvios. judy still stands by his side. that's why the hispanic
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foundation of silicon valley recognizes the santiagos as this year's la familia, the family of the year. >> well deserved. >> and well done story. she did look like mrs. claus. >> oh, my goodness, what givers. they're going straight to heaven, i tell you. >> thanks for making me cry. >> it's great to highlight those stories of the holiday. we can't forget what it's truly about. >> and one person can make such a huge impact on many, many lives. so great job on that, damien. of course great job helping out the community. it's that time of year, the nature of the season is giving. let's go ahead and take you outside. w we're going to have a really good-looking day today. maybe you or your family members are traveling back to your destination. we do have some issues if you're trying to get into the central valley in particular. a dense fog advisory in place up and down the i-5 corridor. you want to take it easy, especially headed out to fresno.
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also lake tahoe is pretty slick. we've got some icy roadways but there's a lot of fresh powder once you do get to tahoe and there's more on the way for next week. 54 in san francisco, we're at 36 degrees in petaluma and 46 in places like concord this morning. it is chilly, grab your coat and make sure you keep it with you. even though we're going to hit the 70s today, we'll have a nice breeze out there that will make it feel cooler from time to time. we don't want anybody to be uncomfort able out there. it's going to be nice in santa cruz, right around 72 degrees. as we head through the next couple of days, offshore flow persists and that means we're going to start out fog-free in places like san francisco. a sunny stunner is what we're calling it. 68 in fairfield, 69 in fremont and 73 degrees will be the warm spot, gilroy, as we head throughout this afternoon. 70 in san jose. good news for you and your family members if you want to head out and about, show them the bay area. we'll have perfect conditions on
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the golden gate bridge and the bay bridge. no fog to obstruct your vision. beautiful view today all across the bay area. we'll get the fog back in the mix. monday and tuesday temperatures start to drop off. an area of low pressure approaches the coastline. we get our first showers late wednesday into thursday of the right now it's actually looking very promising wednesday into thursday for showers coming up from the south. south bay might actually get the most moisture from this next one. we'll keep watching it for you. 5:19. back to you, laura and marla. >> thanks so much. former president of the moraga school board who resigned just hours after his re-election says he did it for personal reasons. dexter lui spoke to the newspaper calling the decision painful and difficult. lui resigned as the district deals with a child sex abuse scandal that involved lawsuits by a sichbt swim coach. he may have had a conflict of interest. two of his relatives testified
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on behalf of one of the abusers who is serving eight years in prison. his seat on the school board has still not been filled. an oakland man has been selected to receive the california peace prize for his efforts to prevent violence. kevin grant has devoted himself to steering people away from crime through community outreach since he was released from federal prison more than 20 years ago. also receiving an award, oakland psychologist sue yon park who provided mental health care for children until she died earlier this year. we have seen massive crowds of people heading out to do that holiday shopping but not every sale at that will be the best deal. the host of financial and fit on yahoo! says you're better off staying at home if you're shopping for items like brand name tvs, jewelry and some of those winter staples. he said hdtvs are actually priced lower in january right before the super bowl. the best time to buy jewelry is during the spring and summer months because demand is said to be lower.
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for things like those ugg boots and other winter items, they say it's best to buy in the fall. >> bummer, i did want a new pair of uggs. >> there's still next year. it is 5:21. coming up, a record-breaking day at the silicon valley turkey trot. did you go out and trot yesterday? we'll tell you all about it next.
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rise and shine, everybody. giving you a live look. portland, oregon, looking at washington square mall so it's not just here in the bay area. look at this. they're full, they ate too much and i think they spent too much money. we'll be checking in with our black friday reporter, bob redell, in just a bit. 5:24 now. a group of scientists in australia says a pacific island on many global maps doesn't
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really exist. scientists at the university of sydney set out to explore sandy island. they could see it on global maps but not their ship's map. when they got to the area, there was no island. all they could see was the sea. >> it's completely possible that it was a human error in digitizing these maps at some stage and it's just entered the database as one and it stuck around inside the database because no scientific vessels have actually been in that region for a very, very long time. >> the maps scientists were using was from the world vector shoreline database, the cia and google earth. we brought this to you live yesterday, a record-breaking crowd in the south bay. thousands showing up in san jose to work off some of that prethanksgiving dinner, the calories at least. the most runners ever took part in the eighth annual silicon valley turkey trot in downtown san jose. runners came from all over the
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bay area and really as far away as singapore, stockholm and india. the fund-raiser also brought in a lot of money. $1 million, which included a half a million dollar donation from an anonymous tech company's ceo. the money goes to local nonprofits that helps feed children and the homeless. you see that big ball? >> yeah. >> in front of it was a guy dressed like harrison ford in "raiders of the lost arc." >> that's an extra workout there. >> and the weather held up. >> nice. very nice. very spoiled in the bay area. >> how did they keep that giant rock from crushing people? >> i thought it was great. what a great halloween costume. >> you could pull that out several times over the course of a year. if you're getting ready as we jump right into christmas shopping the day after thanksgiving, it's going to be cold out there. grab your coat. 7:00 a.m. typically the coldest
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point of the day just after sunrise. then we'll start to climb. by 9:00 a.m. we'll be in the mid-50s, inland, bayside and at the coast. look at this, does it get any better than this, headed towards the 70s. 70 in livermore, 68 in san francisco and 70 in santa cruz. the only caveat, we are going to have some breezy conditions later on. they're not going to be super strong but enough to make the true temperature feel a little bit cooler. otherwise, we are looking good, ladies. back over to you. >> thank you very much. 5:26. still to come on "today in the bay" black friday going orange. what the giants are doing to help you with your holiday shopping list. speaking of shopping, giving you a live look at the paragon outlet mall from high above in livermore. it is packed there. our bob redell is on site. checking in with those holiday black friday shoppers. we'll check in with him in just a bit. it is 5:27.
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a san jose firefighter injured while fighting a thanksgiving day fire. we'll have an update on his condition in a live report. and it's a cold start as shoppers make a mad dash to all the centers across the bay area. grab your coats. how does sunshine and 70s sound later on today? changes just around the corner. we'll take you through your full forecast. and she just said it, people all over the bay area up early with us trying to get a jump start on that holiday shopping and take advantage of all those deals. >> a live look outside, beautiful san francisco all lit up. officially the holidays kicks it off on this black friday, november 23rd. this is "today in the bay." it is 5:30. good morning. thanks for being with us. i'm marla tellez in for jon kelley. >> and i'm laura garcia-cannon. injuries to a south bay fire captain may be more serious than originally thought.
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he was hurt while battling an apartment fire and remains in the hospital this morning. christie smith just spoke with the san jose fire department and joins us with the latest on his condition. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. i just spoke with the captain on scene because san jose firefighters are still here on fire watch. what they're telling me is that this injured firefighter is a 16-year veteran. he's being kept in the hospital overnight. they should know a little bit more about his condition by midday. they tell me that he is in good spirits but is suffering some pain. now, i wanted to show you what's going on here this morning. he was here -- hurt fighting a fire. we just saw a firefighter go up the ladder to the balcony. they want to make sure that this is out because it was still smoking a while ago. it started around 8:30 last night in an apartment complex on willowleaf drive. spread so quickly that firefighters actually had to go into a defensive mode, fight it from the outside of the building. four units had severe fire damage, two from water and other
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types of damage. 18 people affected in all. most people were out when firefighters arrived, but the captain that i spoke with said that the firefighter who got hurt suffered a fractured vertebra in his neck and a concussion. >> by a piece of large sheetrock, a ceiling apparently that had fallen in while he was in the stairwell. so it had fallen from a considerable height, about halfway up. >> reporter: now, firefighters tell me they had problems with access. this is a really tight complex, very narrow roads. the building has attics, it has void places so they sprayed so much water on it that there's concern even this morning about the stability of the building. now, they mentioned last night there are a number of reports went out about a cat that was missing. fortunately they were able to find that cat and reunite him with his owner. as for a cause, they say they still don't know what started it but they do believe that it was accidental. reporting live in san jose, christie smith, "today in the bay." happening now at 5:32.
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put away the turkey and pull out all the plastic. black friday shoppers are out in force this morning and in many cases they have been out since last night. our bob redell is live in livermore at a mall that's been buzzing since about 10:00 last night. bob, good morning. i know you just spoke to somebody who got there last night at 11:00. >> reporter: we've had people who have been out there prior to that. we're here at the paragon outlets. this is off 580 in livermore off the el charro exit. we're starting to see the crowd starting to build back up. maybe this will be the second wave of people who believe in sleeping overnight before they go out and shop. i want to take you to high above the mall to give you a sense of just what it looks like in terms of the parking lot. you're probably wondering where are all the people. i would expect it to be more crowded. certainly not as crowded as it was last night. you mentioned people have been shopping here the past seven and a half hours so a lot of people have left to go back home, to go to sleep or move on to another
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place. they have a large parking lot that surrounds in outdoor mall off of 580, the el charro exit. they also have two overflow lots in fields across the street. all of those were almost full to capacity last night, to the point that around midnight, 1:00 this morning, police considered shutting down traffic into the area. that gives you an idea of how congested this was. >> i really didn't think it would be that crazy and then we get here and i see this really long line for one of the exits. and we actually passed it up because it looked like an hour-long exit, realizing it was our exit. so we waited about an hour just to exit to get here and probably another their, 40 minutes to park. >> reporter: that's the mom who came from san francisco with her 15-year-old daughter. she said for the experience and she said it was worthwhile. she did get some good deals. she saved roughly 70% on the clothes. a lot of clothes she bought.
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the savings was $125, $150. she also pointed out, hey, i do have a lot of patience to tolerate this. now, a lot of the stores here are doing 50% off. you've got two for one deals. some of these deals will be ending in a half hour and others will be going on throughout the day. tommy hilfiger, everything is 40% off. some items are 50% off. that gives you a sense of why people are coming out here. as i was mentioning, it looks like we could see seeing a second wave as we call a reasonable hour starts to approach us. reporting live in livermore, bob redell, "today in the bay." malls across the country really packed. people cashing in on major discounts. these are some images shot overnight from the premium outlets in gilroy. shoppers packed in tight as they tried to get their gifts there. look at the crowd outside the coach store. it was so packed there was just a massive line to get in. they had to kind of wait to let
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people in. shoppers right nearby, they had to get their caffeine fix as well to stay up from all that turkey they had earlier. long line outside of starbucks as well. >> and don't forget the small businesses. after black friday comes small business saturday. it's a day dedicated to supporting small businesses. the campaign is sponsored by american express. to find the participating businesses in your area, visit in the meantime, the giants are trying to change black friday into orange friday. the team will start selling single game tickets this morning at 10:00 a.m. tickets will be available for games in april, may and june. the only games not available are the opening weekend. you can buy tickets at or at any giants store. tickets will be sold through christmas eve. now that turkey day is done, bay area cities getting ready to ring in the christmas season. if you'd like to take part come on down to downtown san jose tonight. that's where i'll be opening the ice skating rink at the circle of palms.
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5:30 tonight. kristi yamaguchi will be there too. christmas in the park happens at 6:00. again, all happening in downtown san jose. come on out, say hello. our own christina loren will be at san francisco's ghirardelli square this evening lighting the tree there. this is the 48th annual tree lighting. now, christina, that starts at 5:30, correct some. >> yeah, 5:30. ladies come on out. you're invited of you want to swing by after your tree lighting, laura. >> marla's got one. >> you've got to light that tree for a couple of very cute kids, three very cute kids to be exact. i already have my tree. maybe you're going to be decorating today. that is tradition for many families across the bay area, not just shopping the day after thanksgiving. if you wanted to do so, i'd say hold off until about noon. it's going to be nicer the second half of the day but it's chilly out there. 40 in livermore, 45 in san mateo and the upper 30s have returned
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to novato and it looks like that's going to be the case in napa as well. we could fall as low as 36 degrees. keep that in mind but overall we're looking good. by noon temperatures climb into the mid-60s. 64 in livermore, 62 at noon in oakland and then we'll round out the day at 4:00 p.m. with really comfortable numbers, into the 70s. the best part about those tree lightings happening tonight is we're not expecting any fog to develop to obstruct your perfect vision of that tree. we're looking good all day. changes, though, just around the corner. system of low pressure planning to bring us significant rainfall next week. we'll talk about what that means for your part of the bay area. as you know, the microclimates kicking in this time of year. 5:38. right now i'll send it back to you two. you may not want to head to san francisco's ocean beach. it's still closed thanks to a sewage leak. barriers warning people to stay off parts of the beach. it was closed wednesday when water started leaking out of a manhole on the beach.
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the public utilities commission believes the release was 90% storm water and 10% sewage. despite the smell, there's still plenty of people walking on open areas of that beach yesterday. no word on when that mess will be cleaned up. the massive turkey dinner at glide memorial church in san francisco went off without a hitch. hundreds of volunteers prepared and served 5,000 meals to those in need yesterday. organizers have been planning since august and all that planning paid off. many of the volunteers do it for personal reasons and many who receive say there's something special about glide. >> i went through a hard year myself. i lost my job, came very close to homeless myself. i could have very easily have been out there, you know, standing in line. >> glide has been really the better of all the places that i've come. they have always treated me with respect and dignity. >> most of the food was paid for with grants. organizers at glide are now
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planning for christmas. their christmas din their they do every year. >> always a great tradition. 5:39. why mexico's president is trying to take the united states out of mexico. plus you may have heard black friday is here. people all over the country doing a little jig overall the deals. we'll have a report coming up. [ male announcer ] this december, remember -- ♪ you can stay in and like something... ♪ [ car alarm deactivates ] ♪
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...or you can get out there with your family and actually like something. ♪ the lexus december to remember sales event is on, offering some of our best values of the year. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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welcome back at 5:41. door-busting deals are driving people to malls all over america this morning. nbc's jay gray is at the mall of america with all the details. jay, did i hear you say there's more than 500 stores there? >> reporter: yeah, marla, there's more than four million square feet of black friday madness here and it has been madness. this is one of the places that actually started last night so they have seen shoppers coming in shifts. we had the overnight shift, the
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early morning shift and we're transitioning into the daytime shift here and they're not disappointing. it's been packed here. even though the temperatures dropped into the 20s and there was a little bit of snow, it hae hasn't slowed anyone down. they're not only shopping, they're buying. a lot of people carrying bags so it looks like they are finding the deals they want. that's great news for the retailers here who really bank a lot of what they do for the year on what happens today and through the end of the year so it's been a good day so far and i think it's only going to be busier as we continue to move forward. >> sounds good, jay. i hope you get some of your christmas shopping done. you might as well. >> reporter: that would be nice, right? if i can pick anything up for you, send me a text. >> send me the digits and i will. thanks, jay. >> reporter: see ya. >> okay, jay, we're not kidding. 5:43. most retail stores have all hands on deck this morning working through the night for
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hordes of black friday shoppers, but one retailer has a different story. walmart employees have walked off the job nationwide and right here in the bay area, they're protesting poor working conditions and the new black thursday work schedule. employees handed out flyers, carried signs outside this walmart in san leandro. some say management isn't taking them seriously. for others, it's as simple as asking for working equipment. >> this cart machine has been out for three months. for me, i'm a young, in-shape man so i can handle it but i work with older individuals and younger individuals and it's wear and tear on my body. i'd like to see them help us have the material so we can get the job done. >> similar protests are planned for this morning across the country. a walmart spokesperson called the strike just another exaggerated publicity campaign aimed at generating headlines to mislead retailers, customers and employees. we've all seen images of destruction from hurricane sandy and perhaps one of the most
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memorable, the seaside heights new jersey roller coaster sitting in the atlantic ocean after the storm battered the boardwalk it had been sitting on. there morning there's word that coaster may actually stay in the water. the mayor of seaside heights says he is working with the coast guard to see if it's stable enough to just stay put. he says it would make a great tourist attraction. no official decision has been made. meanwhile construction on the new boardwalk is expected to be finished in time for the memorial day weekend. >> plans under way to fix that. if you have plans outdoors today, maybe get that christmas tree going, it's going to be nice weather. >> yeah, it is. this is the day that those christmas tree farms open up. you have to wait until the day after thanksgiving and they will be hustling and bustling just like all the shopping centers currently are across the bay area. if you're headed out to shop, grab your coat if you don't have to work today, lucky you. we've got another hour and 15 minutes of this program.
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temperatures are looking good this morning. it's a little bit on the crisp side out there in places like concord at 41 degrees, we're at 44 here in san jose and 39 at gilroy. meanwhile 52 at san francisco, so high pressure is in control. it's going to build in. it's boosted the storm track way to our north, taking it into the pacific northwest. for us that means really comfortable weather. we're going to see a couple of days of beautiful fall-like weather and i'm talking about the 70s. so today and tomorrow looking fantastic. we'll get a little bit more patchy fog as we wake up on sunday morning. more traditional weather returning so that means the fog will be back. we don't have to deal with that the next couple of days. beautiful clear sky over the city. 70 degrees in concord, 71 in santa teresa, 73 in gilroy and 70 in san jose. as we head throughout the next couple days, we'll hold on to quiet weather. then the pattern changes as we head through the second half of the weekend into next week, temperatures will drop off not
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by a whole lot. then as we head through tuesday into wednesday, the clouds increase. limited sunshine will take your temperatures down a little bit more. rain arrives wednesday into thursday. right now it looks like the system will sneak up from the south. a south bay rain event is in the forecast. but i think a little something will push to the north as well. so the north bay traditionally gets the most rain. looks like this system will produce the most rain down south. otherwise looking pretty good. 5:46, back to you. >> okay, thanks so much. new this morning, israel says it has arrested the person who bombed a bus in tel aviv earlier this week. the bomb was planted on a bus on wednesday near israel's military headquarte headquarters. 27 people were hurt in that blast. an israeli military spokeswoman says the man is a member of hamas. meanwhile a new poll out today shows israelis are dissatisfied with the recent cease-fire. almost 50% of israelis feel israel should continue to go after the people who fire rockets into israel.
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29% think israel should have sent ground troops into gaza. israel and hamas agreed to a cease-fire late wednesday. as that cease-fire continues to hold this morning, hamas leaders are declaring victory. they say israel's decision not to send ground troops into gaza is a testament to the organization's power. israeli leaders say they achieve their goals and inflicted heavy damage on the militants. the eight-day war was the worst cross-border fighting in four years. mexico's president making one last attempt to change the country's name. the official name of mexico is united mexican states. the name was adopted back in 1824 after mexico gained independence from spain but it's rarely used. the mexican president, felipe calderon, announced he wants to change the country's name simply to mexico because he doesn't want to copy the united states. the only problem is he leaves office next week so people view
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it largely as just a symbolic gesture. 5:48. a tiny seaside town has hit a major snag in an upgrade to its harbor. crescent city was badly damaged by the march 2011 tsunami that was triggered by a major earthquake in japan. while crews were in the process of shoring up the docks with reinforced steel pilings, the drill bit broke. now they have to pound them in my hand just to get them through the winter. crescent center is about 15 miles south of the oregon border, and geologists say its location makes it a prime target for tsunamis. plans for a vegas party train from california, a step closer to reality. a nevada company has signed a conditional agreement with union pacific railroad. the las vegas railway express will start in san bernardino county and end in sin city. hopefully it will look better than this cargo train. because then you could end up at the bellagio. the trip will take about five
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hours. the company plans to include an ultra lounge, tvs for sports, food and drink. tickets will be about $99 each way. the hope is to get the train up and running by the end of the year. >> i have a feeling it's going to be popular. >> oh, yeah. i don't know if that's fortunate or unfortunate. this is the time of year when even hollywood is in a giving mood. >> the time between thanksgiving and new year's responsible for nearly 20% of total box office revenues in a given year. rafael has a look at what's coming to theaters. >> hey, there he is. >> reporter: santa claus has arrived with this week's rise of "the guardian" but that's the only an mated kids film between now and the end of the year. >> there's seemingly a lack of that at a time where you think there would be a lot of family films in the marketplace. >> reporter: what is in the marketplace, just about everything else. >> this is the time of year where you get more of the period pieces, the more challenging
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fare, the films that are really the oscar types of films. >> you really believe this story? >> reporter: among those is "zero dark 30." >> the story of the manhunt for osama bin laden. >> reporter: the high gloss interpretation of the musical sparking lots of talk about anne hathaway. >> she cut her hair and she sings. that's pure oscar base. >> reporter: set during the same time period "lincoln" is already in theaters. look for bill murray as another american president in hyde park on hudson and trying to lockdown an oscar nomination with a christmas release. >> it's a difficult movie to figure out what it's about and i think that's good. >> reporter: big crowds are expected for "the hobbit" but "jack reacher" is wait and see. >> this returns tom cruise to the action that people kind of love, despite the fact that his personal life seems to be at the
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forefront. >> reporter: the personal life of director alfred hitchcock is in relief. >> who wouldn't want to see a movie about the making of "psycho." these are hard-to-describe must havies in one sentence but that ultimately makes them, i think, more of a satisfying movie going experience. >> reporter: this is 40 chronicles the life experience of middle age and "the guilt trip" butts seth rowigen in a c with barbra streisand. that's the holiday box office preview. >> i need to get more. i haven't heard of half of those movies. >> you! all right. we'll make a date. 5:52. coming up a couple of bay area college football teams have a chance at a bowl game. we'll tell you which ones they could end up in. plus another twist in the 49er quarterback controversy. what the team's offensive coordinator is saying.
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5:54. a pair of bay area teams will be getting invites to bowl games. san jose state on track for its first bowl appearance since 2006. with a 9-2 record it could have a pick of bowls. the spartans could end up anywhere from the hawaii bowl to the military bowl in washington, d.c. in the meantime, how other top 25 teams play this weekend will determine where stanford ends up. a win in the pac-12 championship could mean the rose bowl. the college hotline says oar options also include alamo, fiesta, sun or holiday bowls. in the pros, the quarterback controversy continues for the 49ers. earlier this week "sports illustrated" reported head coach jim harbaugh told alex smith that colin kaepernick would get
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the nod against the saints on sunday. also that that decision was not based on smith's health. but offensive coordinator there says the team has not made a final decision and that there is a chance smith will start in new orleans. >> you know, we're confident in both quarterbacks to be on the field and, you know, coach will always weigh all the information as we have it and make the best decision for the team at the time but we have ultimate confidence in either. >> there's still one snag. smith has yet to be medically cleared to play after suffering a concussion almost two weeks ago. he is expected to undergo more tests later today. 5:55. more than half of parents with young kids will buy downloadable gifts this year, according to pbs kids. the key ipicking the right one. a good app will combine education and entertainment. kids are involved when it
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involves the most census as poly. always play the app with your child to make sure it's right for them. 5:56. if you're heading out to do some of that black friday shopping. don't forget your coat. if you do, you can just buy another coat. >> maybe two for one. >> christina loren, it's pretty cold out. >> yeah, it is. you want to bring the old cold with you nonetheless. if you have an old coat, give it to someone in need. 66 degrees at noon today, 71 at 4:00 p.m. this is going to be a beautiful day today. temperatures will be very comfortable. we'll see abundant sunshine. we're going to get spoiled for the next couple days. rain in that seven-day forecast. we'll take you through the timing of our next storm coming up. back to you, laura and marla. >> it's 5:57. we've showed you black friday shopping. coming up we'll show you some of the crazy things shoppers did while just waiting to get into the stores. and how about a live look at the bay fair mall. you might be familiar, this is in san leandro. about 100 cars already at macy's.
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>> they're slacking there. come on. >> 5:57. stay with us. look at you guys with your fancy-schmancy u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes, it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty seconds, for crying out loud. we know how long a minute is! sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability and ways to connect. rethink possible.
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well, i'm standing on my head. i've been here since 10:00 a.m. i've done a bunch of things. >> i think you're losing your mind is what you're doing. people doing anything for a deal as bargain shoppers pulling all-nighters. we're live at customers clear the shelves for black friday bargains. plus a firefighter injures his neck in the line of duty. the wall of flames sent the roof of an apartment building crashing down on him just ahead. it's a cool start to the day but we're slated to hit the 70s. change is just around the corner. i'll tell you when the rain returns to your city coming up. if you're getting up and out


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